Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

In The Mood For Death

I go back to this often, the door, the blackness, the act of turning a handle. I think of what I felt before starting this journey – that I was on the edge of the precipice of something new. I think of how I have reckoned with my shadow selves, over and over. I wonder and wonder – what would I have seen behind that door, who would I have met.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Reporting from The Other Side

Somewhere on this other side, you swallow the screams and muffle the thoughts. You wash your face, drink a sip of water, continue performing merriness. You crawl back into bed at night and put on your favourite deep sleep meditation. Your heart is still heavy, but you must sleep, because you must go to work tomorrow, you have to be pretend you’ve this other side all figured out.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

In Another Life

But we are not from there, you see. While I have my roots there, I am curious about my ancestors. About their lives, about the country where my mother’s tongue originates from. Which is why, today, I am here. Exploring, seeking. Meandering. Adopting my husband’s history to fill the giant cavity of my own. I wish there was a name for this ache, of wanting to belong to a place, of having such intractable relations with the earth that is immovable. Is there a name for this ache? Do you understand what I mean?

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

I Am Home

I have a complicated relationship with the idea of home. For a long time, I struggled with being tethered to any one place, especially this place, where I have now found myself.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Most Alive

Four hours later, the concert ends, and we escape the crowd. We live close to the concert venue, so we walk back home. For once, the night is cool, it has just rained, and the breeze against my flushed skin is a welcome reprieve. I am beaming from ear to ear. I did it, I tell him. I made it through the night/

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

No Season is Final

Imagine, losing a whole sense, just like that. And then to have it return. Later in the cycle, if you ask me to describe these feelings to you, I struggle. I do not have words to explain the depths to which my mind descends to, and how it emerges. Maybe that is the beauty of this human existence, maybe, maybe, it is better not to know.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Disease: A Snapshot

Today has been difficult. The exhaustion has been mind numbing, a fog that I struggle to walk through, that forces me to take deep breaths, to allow my breaths to connect to the limp mind to the rest of the body so that I can put one foot in front of another, form words through my bulbous tongue, function.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran


It’s the first time in a long time that I’m not quite excited about my birthday. I love being a January baby.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

New Year’s Eve

On that particular day, my husband and I have been in the clinic for close to 7 hours. It is New Year’s Eve. It is impossible getting any appointments, getting anything done at the end of the year. And yet, here we are. We have finalised a plan. Things are happening. I have many more injections to give myself.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Disease is a Funny Thing

I laugh at the dissonance of it all and am reminded that the business of living continues even as the business of disease is being dealt with.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Desert Life

I have never seen the desert. I have been told that it is a very specific beauty, that the barrenness hides teeming life, that the life forms are spectacular because they survive despite the conditions, that they are a true testament of resilience and adaptability.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

The Cartography of My Gut

Every meal made is laced with love and a memory, and I want to write all of this down, so that one day, if my daughter too is making her way through this strange, devastating world and finds herself lost and lonely, that she may have this little map, lovingly made, for her gut and her heart to find their way back.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran


The last letter I wrote to Pa also said something about mountains – this time I had a feeling he was looking forward to reading it because he asked me, as if to make sure, did you handwrite it. I said, yes, and gave him a hug before leaving for the airport. That is the last image I have of him, his voice echoing in my ears as he wished me safe travels.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Saint Jerome Writing

I think of Caravaggio’s “Saint Jerome Writing”. It is a luminescent image of an old man, writing, his quill outstretched, being witnessed by the dark, hallowed sunken sockets of a skull that sits atop a large tome.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran


There was no getting rid of the salt, then. It was everywhere. Behind my eyes, on the tip of my tongue. So much salt, you would have been proud.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Tarot for the Times

The King, The Queen and The Ace chorus – pursue the truth that you seek, because this world needs it. We are here for it, for you.

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Arathi Devandran Arathi Devandran

Mother’s Hands

How as if, my hands can be a legacy that I can pass on, just like how the women in my family have passed on their hands to me.

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